Hi, I'm Sergio!I'm a Web Developer based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

As a kid I spent countless hours building web pages with my dial up connection. Now I build apps that succeed in production.

Currently working @ Globant

My stack:



React Native

Vue JS

Modern PHP


This is what i think about programming:

“Best” practices aren't everything

One influencer says you should use Redux. Other says it's dead. As you keep building features into your app, suddenly a new framework comes out... not again!

Change is natural, but having a clear understanding of what are the principles behind our choices makes products that can adapt to the pass of time.

Abstraction when it matters

Developing a controller for rendering components? Let's create a decoupled and reusable architecture. A simple API flow? Let's make it simple for now.

We all want nice and reusable code. However not all situations require a complex implementation, and abstracting too early isn't worth it.

Web is where it's at

We live in a multi-screen world. PCs, smartphones, tablets, smart TVs… even fridges have screens now. Web enabled this revolution by serving a common codebase.

Web use cases will multiply as we develop the next generation of devices.

Work experience:

Globant: 2020 - present

Worked at various projects implementing OTT solutions: video playback of static and live assets, analytics and performance optimizations on low spec devices.

Worked with React, React Native, Kotlin, Swift, LightningJS.

Granzella: 2019

Created a sample AR app on an internship program using React Native.

Guerrini Design Island: 2017-2019

Worked as a graphic designer and web developer. Managed projects with clients, creating solutions from start to finish.
